Study in Latvia – Study in Management College.

Latvia is amongst the greenest countries in the world. It has wide beaches and large forests. Riga is the capital city. Although a small country, Latvian Universities have readily adapted to the demands of international students. There is a lot of English taught study programs available in all most all the top Universities of Latvia.…

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RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY – Best Technical University in Latvia

It’s the Largest Technical University in Baltic states. It is an accredited &internationally recognized European University.RTU is having interdisciplinary research in an area of great significance for the national economy and society. They are having internationally recognized Bachelors and Master courses for International Students in under following Faculties: Architecture Civil Engineering Computer science & Information…

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Riga Stradins University Latvia

MBBS,  Dentistry, Pharmacy &  Nursing . Latvia is one of the famous countries in Europe. It enrols 3000 International students every year. International students get some advantages in studying Latvia like Subsidized Tuition Fees, Quality Education, and so on. Riga Stradins University is a state-funded university which offers various study courses and makes sure a…

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Liepaja University – Latvia

Liepaja University is one of the oldest higher educational establishments in Kurzeme region in Latvia with large experience and academic traditions. It is located in the heart of Liepaja city. It’s a port city with long Liepaja Beach. Liepaja University is accredited state higher educational establishment, which implements study programs at all three study levels:…

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Latvia University of Agriculture is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Latvia,rich with its own culture, tradition and accumulated knowledge. The university is multi-profiled. Besides the traditional study fields, LLU also provides multiform unique study programs related with advanced agriculture, veterinary medicine, food production, forestry and landscape architecture.Study programs are taught in English…

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STUDY IN LATVIA RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY It’s the Largest Technical University in Baltic states.It is accredited &internationally recognized European University. RTU is having interdisciplinary research in area of great significance for national economy and society. They are having internationally recognized Bachelors and Master courses for International Students in under following Faculties: Architecture Civil Engineering Computer…

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Education & Student Experience in Latvia

About Latvia Latvia is a multi-cultured state located in the Northeastern part of Europe & it is one of the Schengen Country. Its capital is Riga. Most of the people live in Latvia will speak at least 3 different languages because it is the crossroad for East, West, North, and South of EU. Thirdwave Overseas…

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