With breathtaking mountains in the North and picturesque beaches in the South, Portugal has come a long way since it deposed its monarchy, overthrew the authoritarian regime and restored democracy. Today, Portugal is a developed nation with an advanced economy, wooing international students to their 125+ public and private universities. Thirdwave, one of the best study abroad consultants in Kochi, with multiple branches in India, helps students choose the best university to pursue higher studies in Portugal.
Portugal has a globally recognised education system and offers a lower cost of living and lower tuition costs than other European countries, attracting students from across the globe. Thirdwave, with over 17 years of experience in overseas education, gives students the right guidance about education in Portugal.
Study in Portugal and find tangible relics of ancient history – the 20,000-year-old stone carvings the Vila Nova de Foz Côa, the megaliths outside Evora and more. Not to mention, basking in the brilliance of Portugal’s vibrant Mediterranean lifestyle and climate.