European culture is the root of western civilization. Europe has played a major role in Global affairs since the period of discovery and colonialism started by Portuguese and Spain The industrial revolution which began in Great Britain in later half of 17th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social changes. In 1949, Council…

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Overseas Education Consultants in Ernakulam

Are you looking for the top Overseas Education Consultants in Ernakulam? If you are considering studying abroad, you may be interested in learning about the greatest study abroad countries in the world. We’ll look at the best study abroad places around the world. The United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Italy, France, and other…

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Plan your Education in Germany: Why Study in Germany!!?

By studying and living in Germany as a foreign student, you will benefit from a high-quality educational system that will help you advance in your career, learn a new language by making new friends and socializing with other students, and gain an incredible life experience that you will remember for years to come. For overseas…

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Why you should consider Study in Ireland?

The Republic of Ireland is a unique and rewarding study abroad location because it has one of the top education systems in the world, gorgeous surroundings, and a rich culture. Ireland, located on the west coast of the UK and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, is home to some of the world’s top universities. There are…

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Why Students choose Canada for Higher Studies?

If you study in Canada, you’ll have the chance to explore a wide range of cultural and natural experiences. Canada has a well-deserved reputation as one of the world’s top study locations. Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec are the most popular Canadian provinces for overseas students, as they are home to many of the country’s…

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Switzerland, the tourist hub of the world-is a landlocked country, bordering Italy, France, Austria and Liechtenstein. Largest cities are Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne. These cities are home to several offices of international organizations such as WTO, WHO, the ILO, International Olympic committee, FIFA, and Bank of international Settlements. It’s considered as a tax haven Majority…

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Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeast coast of African Continent, east of Madagascar.  The country spans 2040 square kms It was discovered by the Arabs, later ruled by the Dutch and France, and Great Britain. It remained a plantation-based colony of the UK until independence in 1968 Diego Gracia,…

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